Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Easiest Omelette EVER

Tonight we were watching Paula Deen and I just happened to be planning breakfast for dinner. Paula, likewise, was making breakfast and she showed how to make the easiest omelette ever. I decided that rather than just making scrambled eggs to go with our french toast and fruit compote like I had planned, I would try the omelettes instead.

Here's the recipe:

EASY Omelettes
6 large eggs
add-ins of your choosing
2-3 resealable plastic bags

Bring a large pot of water to boil. Whisk eggs with salt and pepper. Add mix-ins, such as peppers, ham or cheese. Put a ziploc bag in a liquid one-cup measuring cup and fold sides out. Pour a portion of the egg mixture into the bag. Remove air from bag and seal. Repeat for remaining bags. Drop bags into boiling water. Cook 8-10 minutes, turning bag occasionally. When done, slide out of bag onto plate. Top with a little cheese or other garnish.

Yes, it was that easy. And it really works!

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